Podcasts About Software Development Are Boring

Michael Kulinski
2 min readMay 31, 2018

After listening to countless podcasts on a variety of software engineering topics, I was astounded at how many were monotone interviewers that didn’t seem excited about their guests. This isn’t just my opinion. After asking many friends who are also developers, what development related podcasts they listened to, I received a similar sentiment:

Most podcasts about software development are boring.

As an avid podcast listener, I’ve sat through extremely interesting podcasts on topics that had previously proven to be very boring. So why couldn’t I find a podcast about a topic like development (my favorite thing to read and talk about) that could hold my interest for more than a few minutes?

Answer: The format.

Most of the development related podcasts that I listened to brought on amazing developers that were doing really cool things. But I just couldn’t get into it. This is because the format was usually a very bland Q&A type style which brought the energy of both the interviewer and the interviewee to nearly 0.

So I decided to start my own podcast.

It’s called The Developer Experience and I’ll be interviewing developers in a more free-form style, where we talk and see where the conversation takes us.

Our first episode is up on the iTunes Store. Check it out. Let me know what you think.

